One of the diseases transmitted by infected mosquitoes, yellow fever is an acute viral haemorrhagic disease. The “yellow” present in the name refers to the jaundice that affects some of the patients.The virus is endemic in South and Central Americaand tropical areas of Africa. Great epidemics of yellow fever befall when infected people introduce the virus into areas with extremely high population and high mosquito density and where majority of people possess little or no immunity, due to lack of vaccination. In such favorable conditions, infected mosquitoes of the Aedesaegypti species transfer the virus from person to person. An extremely effective vaccine, which is extremely safe and affordable too, is available for yellow fever prevention. A solitary dose of yellow fever vaccine is enough to grant sustained immunity and life-long protection against this disease. There is no need for booster dose of the vaccine.

Yellow fever vaccine is not a luxury but a necessity for those traveling to South and Central Americaand tropical areas of Africa. It is because mild cases may just cause fever, chills, yellow skin,headache, nausea, and vomiting but serious cases can cause fatal kidney,liver and heartconditions. Fatality rate is quite high. Symptoms of yellow fever includes lower back pain, dizziness and abdominal pain, apart from above mentioned symptoms. No full-proof treatment for the disease exists. Efforts are made to manage symptoms and limit complications.It is absolutely foolhardy to leave for Africa without getting vaccinated against yellow fever. Same can be said for travelers going to South and Central America.

Yellow fever vaccination (doses, side-effects and exclusions)

Yellow fever vaccination is as simple as it can get. Just one injection in the upper arm is needed and boosters are unnecessary. 1 dose is enough for lifelong immunity. Side-effects from the yellow fever vaccine are rare but some people are excluded from vaccination

Exclusions include:

Nations have the right to asktravelers to provide a certificate of yellow fever vaccination under International Health Regulations (IHR). If any medical grounds for not getting vaccinated are there, thatneeds to be certified by the appropriate authorities. This is a key reason why one needs to get vaccinated and subsequently get the certificate stating this fact issued.

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