We offer the Tick-Borne Encephalitisvaccine in our travel clinic in Maidstone. Just make a booking online and present yourself at the clinic at the scheduled time.We also provide a wide range of other non-travel and travel vaccines and antimalarials.
You need two doses to be protected and you need to have received the second dose two weeks before travel. You should get the first dose at least two months before travel – the earlier, the better. Complete course consists of three doses. The third dose is given 5 – 12 months after the second dose. Those travelling on short notice can opt for accelerated course. 3 doses will provide protection for three years after which you will need a booster.
Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a disease that is transmitted mostly by tick bites. It can induce flu-like symptoms or very severe conditions like meningitis or brain inflammation. Unpasteurized milk from diseased animals can become cause of this ailment occasionally.
The risk of contracting TBE is minimal.Ticks that transmit the disease are found in:
Ticks inhabit grasslands and woodlands. When you engage in activities such as campingandhiking, possibility of you being bitten increases. Not all ticks can transmit TBE. Even if bitten, the risk of developing a serious illness is quite low.
You need to be very well informed about ways to avoid tick bites for enjoying extended forest outing of rural area stays. The TBE vaccine is the best strategy to avoid illness, especially if you plan to participate in outdoor activities such as walking, cycling, fishing, hiking, camping, orienteering, or jogging in rural or forested areas.
Most individuals infected with TBE will exhibit no symptoms. Somepersons will get a high temperature (fever) and flu-like symptoms (such as headaches, aching muscles, and nausea) lasting approximately for a week.
A fraction of individuals who appear to have recovered from the influenza-like sickness will develop more severe symptoms several days later. These symptoms may include a high body temperature (fever) and neurological symptoms (such as a excruciating headache, abrupt confusion, stiff neck, seizure (fit), or paralysis or lack of mobility in sections of the body).
If you or someone you know has any of these symptoms during or after visiting a TBE-infected location, you should seek immediate medical attention.
We offer the Tick-Borne Encephalitis vaccineas a private service at our travel clinic in Maidstone. It is better that you book your appointment online to save yourself from the difficulty of waiting in the queue. During the appointment, you and one of our pharmacists will have a short consultation and our pharmacist will go through your medical and vaccination history to check the suitability of the vaccine for you.
Maidstone Travel Clinic,
97 Heath Road, Coxheath ME17 4EH
We offer quality travel health services at our travel clinic. We have made excellent arrangements for all travel vaccination and travel medication under one roof.