Rabies Vaccine in Maidstone

Rabies Vaccine

We offer the Rabies vaccine in Maidstone. Simply make a booking online and present yourself at the clinic at the scheduled time. We also provide a wide range of other travel and non-travel vaccines and antimalarials. 

Booking a travel clinic appointment in Maidstone

Rabies Vaccination

Rabies vaccine is meant to protect against fatal viral infection rabies. Rabies vaccine comprises of 3 doses and travellers moving out of UK need to get first dose at least 5 weeks before travel. Second dose is given 7 days after first dose and 3rd dose is given 3 weeks after second dose. The vaccine is delivered through injection in the upper arm.

What is Rabies?

Rabies is a fatal viral infection that is mostly transmitted through the bites by animals, especially dogs. Although licking of wounds by infected animals can also transmit rabies. This ailment is prevalent across the world, particularly in Central & South America, Africa and Asia. Once symptoms arise then death is certain. So, no time should be wasted after the bite and immediate medical attention should be taken. In UK only small number of wild bats carry it.

What are the main symptoms of rabies in humans?

If not treated then rabies symptoms start showing up within 3-12 weeks.

Following are the initial symptoms:

  • Headache
  • High fever
  • Feeling unwell

Later on following additional symptoms show up:

  • Muscle pain and spasms
  • Excess saliva
  • Hallucinations
  • Paralysis
  • Frothing at the mouth
  • Aggressionor confusion
  • Difficulty breathingorswallowing
Ways to minimise the risk of rabies during travel

The best approach to keep rabies infection away while travelling is as follows:

  • Get completely vaccinated before leaving the shores.
  • Avoid coming close to animals known to transmit rabies.

Rabies vaccine in Maidstone

We offer the rabies vaccine at our travel clinic in Maidstone. It is better that you book your appointment online to save yourself from the difficulty of waiting in the queue. During the appointment, you and one of our pharmacists will have a short conversation and our pharmacist will go through your medical and vaccination history to decide about suitability of the vaccine for you.

Booking a travel clinic appointment in Maidstone

Maidstone Travel Clinic,
97 Heath Road, Coxheath ME17 4EH